Sunday, September 6, 2009

4th grade teacher??? haha :-)

Starting tomorrow, I am AFE's new 4th grade teacher! Yikes :-) I got here on Monday and I couldn't feel better about being here. I was given a tour of the school and then I helped give some English classes (apparently I'm a much better Spanish teacher than English teacher). Everyone in the school, church and community have been so warm and welcoming and I'm really thankful for the hospitality everyone has shown me!

Unfortunately, I haven't had internet for the past week, but hopefully that will change within the next week or so!

So God has given me the very unexpected opportunity to be the fourth grade teacher at AFE. The current teacher is leaving to go to med school and I was offered the position. I will be teaching 20 students Math, Spanish, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. This will certainly be a challenge since I learned all of those subjects in English and since I never really learned about Central American history. I'm really excited for this opportunity (and for that I thank God) and I know I'll be learning so much through this experience that I wouldn't have learned as a teacher's aide.

I've got to finish preparing for tomorrow (ahhhh!) but I really really appreciate your prayers for my students and for me. We're going to need them :-)

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